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Event Information

Join us to learn about additional ways you can use your smartphone’s camera beyond photography! We’ll explore a variety of fun and useful features made possible by apps, such as scanning QR codes, translating text, measuring objects and even using augmented reality. We’ll also cover considerations for choosing apps and reviewing their privacy and data practices.

This is part three of a three-part series. Registrants can attend one or more sessions as desired, as each program is a stand-alone course, yet we have arranged them in a way which allows for user progression. If you are interested in learning more about the other sessions, please click the title below:

Intro to Smartphone Photography (January 16)

Intro to Photo Editing Tools (January 23)

Free: USD 0.00

Website: https://go.evvnt.com/2798895-3?pid=5268

Time: 13:00 - 14:00

Get Tickets Today to Experience Smartphone Camera Uses Beyond Photography - Online Workshop - Jan. 30 on Thursday Jan 30 at online, appomattox Virginia, appomattox. Enjoy and be inspired! Share your experience on Social Media with #EventsfyYourWeekend for a chance to WIN Prizes!

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