Event Information
Matthew and Jay Comedy present “The Looney Bin,” a monthly live event at Braindead Studios in Los Angeles, CA featuring experimental multimedia comedy, musical acts, and film screenings. After moving to Southern California from Manhattan, Jay brings a resume of collaborations with Buzzfeed, TruTV, and Aubrey Plaza, while Matthew has been busy in the wonderful world of SNL, The Hard Times, and crap of that nature. Matthew Goldin and Jay Weingarten started off simply as family friends' sons, but soon formed Those Weird Guys and Those Timeless Creatives, which became known for putting out projects. The writer/performers thank everyone for joining them at the live event, funded by friends of Jocelyn C. Burnett, celebrating the alliance of music, arts, and education. Presented by Brain Dead, LLC. This is an 18+ event
Get Tickets Today to Experience Matthew and Jay Comedy Presents: The Looney Bin on Tuesday Oct 11 at Brain Dead Studios 611 N Fairfax Ave, los angeles. Enjoy and be inspired! Share your experience on Social Media with #EventsfyYourWeekend for a chance to WIN Prizes!
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