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Venue Information

Unitarian Universalism is a religion without a creed, but has a belief each person can find their own spiritual path. Since 1958, our congregation has offered a home for liberal religious seekers in the Kingston area that includes members from surrounding counties. Today, we are a diverse, open and growing religious community. Some of our members are from Christian or Jewish backgrounds, while others identify with Paganism, Buddhism and other faith traditions. There are humanists, atheists, and agnostics among us, and many who resonate to the insights of poets, mystics and thoughtful human beings across the ages. We are all bound together by the values expressed in our Unitarian Universalist Principles: - The inherent worth and dignity of every person - Justice, equity and compassion in human relations - Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations - A free and responsible search for truth and meaning - The right of conscience and the use of the ...

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