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Historical place in Tualatin, Oregon Hand built in 1926 by local residents, the building was first known as the Community Methodist Church and later the Tualatin United Methodist Church. In its 80 years as a church, it was the scene of countless christenings, weddings and funerals, and for many years was Tualatin's only church. When the City announced in 2003 the need to widen the east side of Boones Ferry Road in downtown Tualatin, the cry went up to save the 1926 Craftsman-style church standing in the way. The building was offered to the Tualatin Historical Society, and, after careful inspection deemed it sound enough to be moved, the Society began a campaign to save the building and refit it to become a Heritage Center. Signatures and promised donations were gathered from over 1500 supportive citizens; an operational agreement was made with the City of Tualatin; and the project was launched. City Council members, City staff members, City advisory committee members, and several ...
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