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Venue Information

Kevin O' Day, Walter "Wolfman" Washington & The Roadmasters, Beacoup Crasseux, The Kinky Tuscaderos, Lisa Marshall, Ruby Rendrag, Lynn Drury, Jason Neville, Rue, Big Fat & Delicious, The Local Skank, Frogs Gone Fishin', Ernie Vincent & The Topnotes, Elliott Cohn & Cosmic Sweat Society, Westbank Mike, The Converts, Love Zombie, Al "Carnival Time" Johson, Sick Like Sinatra, Gravity A, John Lisi, Billy Iuso,

Juice, Soul Project, Anders Osborne, Something Delicious, Ingrid Lucia, Gal Holiday & the Honky Tonk Revue, Margie Perez, Bryan Lee, Johnny Angel & The Swinging Demons, Eve's Lucky Planet, Spickle, Egg Yolk Jubilee, Jeff Chaz, John Dobry, Rudy & The Carribean Funk, Little Freddie King, Marc Adams, Dave Jordan, Chris Mule, Freddie Omar, A Hanging, Suplecs, Dixie Witch, Johnny J & The Hitmen, The Pallbearers, Lunasol, Jak Locke, The Public, Irene Sage, Marc Stone, Black Snow, Mike Darby, Amy Trail, The Unnaturals ...

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