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Venue Information

In 1923, 204 York St. was built to house the Yale chapter of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity.  At the time, many of the surrounding buildings were also constructed as fraternity houses after several of the original fraternity houses on campus were demolished to make space for Sterling Memorial Library.  You can still observe the Phi Gamma Delta owl on the Yale Cabaret building or the letters Psi Chi on the African-American House.  Similarly, the griffin of “Gryphon’s Pub” comes from a reinterpretation of the dragon carved above the bay window over the building’s front door.

Remnants of the original inhabitants are still visible throughout the building.  In the ballroom bar, for instance, our liquor bottles are housed on what were once bookshelves in the library.  The wooden plaque that hangs over the fireplace in the lounge was dedicated to a member of the class of ’25.  On Halloween, the public is also given a rare gl ...

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