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Venue Information


Amnesia is a cozy, red-lit room in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District, but that’s the simple description. We like to think of Amnesia as a vessel. A working ship, maybe. Not the prettiest boat in the harbor, but she’s got stories. She’s sees more action in a week than others will see in a lifetime. Her hold is filled with experiences and, despite her name, her memory is strong. She remembers every undulation on the dance floor, every scream, every solo, every laugh and tear, and every shout for encores.

This is the little neighborhood bar that could. We host great entertainment every night of the week, from acoustic-folk to electro-disco. We have no boundaries where music is concerned, as long as we think it will help to create the most positive experience possible.Although every night has something amazing, shocking, or inspiring going on, we do host a few nights that have stood the test of time and become staples in this fai ...

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