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Venue Information

The annual Adams County Fair is almost as old as the county itself.  The first Adams County Fair was held in October 1904, but the fair and rodeo predate the formation of the county.  The fair dates back to 1888, when monthly Market Days were held at the fairgrounds on the south edge of Brighton, which is the present-day site of the City of Brighton Government Center at 450 South 4th Avenue.

The annual Adams County Fair continued to grow until the old fairgrounds became too small. In 1964, the Adams County Board of County Commissioners decided to move the fair to the former site of the Denver Poor Farm near Henderson, where new facilities were constructed.  The 4-H building was the only structure saved and moved to the new Adams County Regional Park.

Thank you to Albin Wagner, the author of Adams County, Colorado - A Centennial History 1902-2002. To read more about the history of Adams County, visit to purchase a copy of the Centennial Histor ...

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