By - Eventsfy
Featured Events
Jun 25, 2015
Eventsfy - Guide to find Events Near YOU!
Eventsfy provides a central platform to easily discover upcoming live entertainment of music, comedy, theater, plays, art exhibitions, and art festivals in the United States. We allow artists, venues, promoters, and users to easily post upcoming events on our website for free. We not only showcase these live events on our website for greater exposure but also feature the most live events in the United States.
We are an extremely passionate team that believes the Arts—live entertainment of music, theater, comedy, plays, art shows—can greatly enhance our perspectives of the world for the better—increasing our empathy of others. The eventsfy team represents many different backgrounds around the world with one goal in mind—helping people become more inspired through attending live events.
Join our mission if you too are dedicated to aspiring artists and venues of the Arts; want to build a society more enriched with culture and empathy; want to help break down barriers so that talented artists can be more easily and fairly exposed; and desire an Enlightenment Age 2.0.
Eventsfy increases attendance to live events through greater exposure from our website and platforms; therefore, we increase the number of artists who become successful; therefore, we increase people’s perspectives of life by more people attending shows; and therefore, we increase society’s empathy and compassion overall.
Weekend’s coming soon… do something different and go discover a new experience for yourself today.